Oct 272011

After a quick snack, we headed back to the Victoria Falls Bridge for the bungee jump. I admit it – if we hadn’t paid for it in advance, I’m pretty sure I would have chickened out. I hate heights, and still can’t believe I went through with it. The jump is 111 meters (364 feet) and not actually at the falls, but a few hundred meters downstream. The pics in the previous post give a bit of a sense of perspective.

It’s so nice they tell you HOW to jump:

We signed the forms, were weighed, and went to the bridge for the moment of truth. From the moment we got there, I volunteered to go first, and the staff kept up nonstop chatter – I honestly didn’t have much time to get scared…and although a couple times I considered chickening out, their constant talk about mundane subjects kept me distracted. Honestly, these guys are great and know exactly how to deal with nervous people. I look freaked out, don’t I?

From this point, you’re at the edge, still chatting about about things like “what kind of work do you do?” Then it’s “3-2-1- bungee!” and a gentle tap on the back…light enough that if you don’t want to you won’t but if you do…

I think what surprised me the most is there was no bounce at the bottom. Actually, I never sensed the bottom, and I was most of the way back up before I was sure I wasn’t falling any more! I think more than half the way down I was in mild shock and it didn’t register just what was going on…but once I started heading back up, well, it was wild! I was so glad I did it….but near the third or fourth bounce the head rush was incredible!

Next up it was Matt’s turn. Even he looks a bit nervous in this pic, and he’s not afraid of heights at all!

I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who didn’t manage to jump out 3 meters as the sign instructed!

After the jump, we headed back to the registration area. They soak you for $50 each for a video a pictures – no credit cards accepted. They should really warn you about this in advance – I was lucky we’d thought to bring a bit of cash just in case, or I wouldn’t have these pictures! Celebratory cider, and it was back to the hotel, but not before taking a pic at the border sign!

Back to the hotel, and a quick rest before our dinner at the Boma Restaurant!

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