Dec 312013

Normally, I wouldn’t make too big of a deal of yet another transatlantic with Lufthansa. I’ve posted many, many reviews of it. However, see, this time I jinxed it. I kept promising another Lufthansa first report and…the upgrade didn’t clear. I was to be stuck with the commoners…in business! 😉 Anyways, scroll back to 4 in the ungodly morning when my alarm woke me from my slumber. Well, it didn’t so much wake me as it did annoy me – I’d strategically put the phone on the other side of the room so I’d get up as quickly as possible, since I’d only given myself 30 minutes to get out the door.

Check out was quick, I think there was a shower that I don’t remember, I know there was a can of Red Bull I don’t remember…and I was off. I’d booked the hotel car, figuring there was no telling what a taxi would be like at this hour. I should have stuck with the taxi. My driver insisted on doing his best Nascar impression, gunning it at 140-150 kph the entire way down the highway, all the while telling me about his side job as Serbia’s most famous iPhone repairman. I kid you not. I suspect he had a lot more Red Bull than I did.

Got to airport way early, and check-in and passport were a total non-event.  The agent harassed me about the weight of my carryon (around 12.5 kg) but eventually gave in as she wasn’t prepared to argue at this hour.


…because EVERY airport needs a tree with Bambi!

Was given a lounge invite, only to find the lounge didn’t open until  5:30.  Ugh…and I really wanted coffee.  I hung around until 5:30, and the lounge dragon showed up…I asked if she was opening, and she said “no, another hour.”  So much for the promises of the sign…and coffee.  Womp womp.

Gave up and headed to the gate, resolving to put my uncaffeinated self to sleep on the flight.  Quick and easy security at the gate, and we were off.

Lufthansa Cityline flight 1411
Belgrade, Serbia (BEG) to Frankfurt, Germany (FRA)
Depart 6:15, Arrive 8:25, Flight Time 2:10
Embraer ERJ-190, Registration D-AECF, Manufactured 2010, Seat 1A

Not much to say, I slept most of the flight, but the food was tasty as usual.  Why oh why can’t US airlines get something SO simple right once and a while?!


Uneventful flight, landed in Frankfurt right on time, and even got a jetbridge.  Miracles never cease!  Lufthansa Senator lounge where I ran into a coworker randomly and…actually did work!  Gasp.   Oh, and had three or four espressos. Can’t skip that part.  Soon, resigned to business class, I trudged to the gate for my final flight of this three week trip.

Lufthansa flight 418
Frankfurt, Germany (FRA) to Washington DC, Dulles (IAD)
Depart 12:25, Arrive 15:20, Flight Time 8:55
Boeing 748-8i, Registration D-ABYH, Manufactured 2013, Seat 5D

Ok, I’m being a bit of a princess here, it really wasn’t so bad.  I had aisle access, nobody climbing over me, the front row, etc etc.  Honestly, it was all quite good.  Made better with champagne and cashews.  Ok, so it’s not macadamia nuts, but I’ll live.


For the life of me I don’t remember what this starter was (duck maybe?) but I do remember it was quite tasty and I finished all of it.


Now the main, I remember.  Why?  Because I was just served the same thing…in FIRST last week from Miami to Frankfurt.  Seriously, business and first have the same entree choices now?  Anyways, it was goose, and it was absolutely delicious.  Definitely the best business meal I’ve ever had on a plane.  Funny, it didn’t taste as good in first….


Cheese, dessert, and port?  Yes please.


At this point, I crashed for about four hours.  I was up way too early, and exhausted from a long trip.  I woke up maybe an hour before the final meal, which was quite tasty actually.



…and that’s pretty much it.  Landed at Dulles in the middle of the transatlantic rush, and thanks to Global Entry was through in a flash.  Still took another 30+ minutes for bags though, since Dulles can’t ever seem to get baggage delivery sorted.  UGH.  Cab home got stuck in traffic.  Then I got home and my car battery was dead, etc, etc etc.  At least I was home though…For five whole days….

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