Jan 152017

So, yeah, it’s been a long time since I’ve written a travel blog. I think after Iceland I was a bit exhausted, and combine that with the fact that October-December are always my busiest months at work it meant I really didn’t have much time for travel – or for writing about it.

If there’s any interest, I can put together blogs on two trips I took in the past few months to Zagreb and Bangkok, but you’re not going to see too much outside of hotels and tons of airplane pics because it was long work days without much time to get out and about. However, if you want to see more Lufthansa First as well as my impressions of the first day of United Polaris service I’ll be happy to put those up.

February is going to be an interesting month. I had originally planned to stay closer to home and enjoy the car I make payments on but never seem to drive and take a long roadtrip through the Southern United States to visit four of the eight states I haven’t been to.

However, travel has a way of pulling you back in, and so I started looking at what I could use some of my miles for…and managed to piece together a crazy 17 day round the world with stops in some of my favourite cities: Hong Kong, Bangkok, Cape Town, Paris….oh, and it would involve first class travel on ANA longhaul, Thai on the A380, Qatar on the A380, Emirates on the A380, and yes, more Lufthansa first. It’s pretty hard to say no to, even though I should be a bit fiscally responsible…time will tell!

I recently did an interview for another website which will be up shortly, and I’ll link to it when it’s live. As part of it, I was asked to pick some of my favourite travel photos of myself, which was fun going back through memories. So, my favourite are below. Promise I’ll write more regularly again!

Top of Huayna Picchu near Machu Picchu, Peru


Crossing the river from Rosso, Senegal to Rosso, Mauritania:

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Jumerah, The Gambia


New Years Eve stranded in Gabon, due to a coup in Democratic Republic of Congo:

gabon bottle

Darvaza Crater, Turkmenistan


Koala cuddling in Brisbane, Australia:


Cuzco, Peru:


Hanging out with the Wrestling Cholitas in La Paz, Bolivia:


On the equator in where else, Ecuador:


Waiting for the tube in London, UK:


Friendly lemurs in Madagascar:

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Inland lake in Comoros:


Pyramids of Giza, Egypt:


Leptis Magna, Libya:


  10 Responses to “Upcoming Plans”

  1. What airline(s) did you take to Zagreb?

  2. I would be curious about the Polaris flight, if you have the time. Awesome collection of photos and congratulations on the interview!

  3. I would love to hear about your trips to Zagreb and Bangkok, especially United Polaris. I’m glad you’re back to posting and can’t wait to read about your future trips!

  4. Glad to see you’re back! Love your reading about your travels, keep it up! Even a road trip through the US will be cool to read about. Thank you!

  5. Jason, any chance you will be in HK Feb 11-13?

  6. I can put together blogs on two trips I took in the past few months to Zagreb and Bangkok, but you’re not going to see too much outside of hotels and tons of airplane pics because it was long work days without much time to get out and about <<< If you can find the time; that would be great

  7. What a fascinating life, jealous! )

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