Feb 062014

We met up with the small group of Travelers Century Club folks in the morning, and turned out there would be just six of us total. Nothing had been mentioned about price the night before, and when the driver showed up…yes, he had room, but had to check with his boss how much to charge us. The price was fair for what amounted to an 8-9 hour tour, and we packed in the van, and were off!

Sunrise over the Pestana Hotel pool:


Our first stop after maybe 30 minutes or so was pretty much due north of Praia, a bit into the interior.  We were going to check out a craft shop (aka sell you things and get commission for bringing you there) but when we arrive…it seems it no longer existed!  It had completely packed up and moved since their last tour two months ago.  Oops!  He called his head office to verify, and they were just as shocked as he was.  So, on we went to the Botanical Gardens:


There wasn’t much to see, so we continued on.  Some views from the interior of the island:

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