RTW Trip Map


Planned route for the big Around the World Trip.

The big goal of this trip was threefold:  1)  visit as many new places as possible, 2)  go all the way around the world, and 3) try some new flights I’ve always wanted to try!  The brief plan is:

1)  DC to Aruba (via Newark)
2) Aruba to Bonaire
3) Bonaire to Curacao
4) Curacao to Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
5) Port-of-Spain to Caracas, Venezuela
6) Caracas to Bogotá, Colombia
7) Bogotá to Panama City, Panama
8] Panama City to Houston, via Newark
9) Houston to Honolulu
10) Honolulu to Guam via the infamous “Continental Islandhopper” with 5 intermediate stops in the Marshall Islands and Micronesia
11) Guam to Palau
12) Palau to Tokyo, via Yap and Guam
13) Tokyo to Bangkok
14) Bangkok to Manila, Philippines
15) Manila to Kasane, Botswana via Hong Kong, Frankfurt, Johannesburg, and Livingstone, Zambia
16) Daytrip from Kasane to Namibia’s Caprivi Strip
17) Kasane to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
18) Victoria Falls to Maseru, Lesotho via Johannesburg
19) Lesotho to Ladysmith, South Africa
20) Ladysmith to Mbabane, Swaziland via the Kwazulu-Natal Battlefields
21) Mbanane to Maputo, Mozambique via Nelspruit, South Africa
22) Maputo to Lisbon, Portugal
23) Lisbon to Washington, DC via London

  One Response to “RTW Trip Map”

  1. Jason,
    Did you use FF miles to achieve your RTW? Can you give us the details on how you managed all these award flights and which Airlines, Hotels you used for how many miles/pts?

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